What should i name them?


8 Years
May 1, 2011
Jasper, Mo
I have had so many animals and so many names-- iwant something new--what should i name them--i kinda like tweek what do you think?

They are too cute LOL! I name mine after the Olympian gods LOL I think they are that beautiful. I have Ares - my black shoulder, Zeus - my pied and Hades - My charcoal white eye. The hens are also named after them as well. The only peacock that is not named after the Gods is my cameo split to peach who is named Jackson - My boss named him cause she likes the name LOL
Whatever names you come up with will be creative and good names for those guys/girls.
I would but wouldn't that take awhile? Exactly how long would that be? With thing s i can't tell the sex of i usually name them something that works for both EX: Cupcake, Squeak, Peep, Marshmallow, Nugget, Tator, Tot, Sunshine....ect.
They are so sweet! Maybe pick a name that is easy changed into either gender or genderless (ie. Piper) Now I want pea chicks!!!! Blessings, Blessings, Blessings!!!

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