What should the chicken sitter to do?

I'd work on compiling your list as you do chores everyday for a week.......
......then invite neighbor over to go thru a chore sequence with you, so they can see what each list item means.

One thing that confused me when I was a chicken sitter before having chickens was some of the terminology,
I didn't know the difference between scratch and mash so had them write a description.

Biggest concern for me having a chicken sitter would be that they know about chickens,
how to spot potential problems before they become critical, and what to do about them.
Hell I don't know anything about chickens yet! These girls better be tough or they may not make it.... I am hoping to have them on mostly autopilot, I am not even sure why have a sitter, I can call the neighbor if I see a problem on the camera. I should have used "Chicken sitter yes or no" as the subject line for this thread... Although I know most would say yes have someone lay eyes on them

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