What spider is that?

And btw., »Spidy« has moved out of her net:

And she is looking really skinny now, because she has created a huuuuge ball of eggs:

I'm afraid with that she has fulfilled her duty and will soon parish. :hit
Don't worry Spidy, i will keep an eye on that egg-sack, so that the next generation of spiders can fight all those pesky flies, mosquitos and stink-bugs! :fl
She's done her job well and thanks to you being the kind spidey lover you are, the circle of spider life continues! 🕷🕸
Aren't all members of the »Adder« family venomous? (I almost wrote "Addams Family" :lau )
They might be venomous, but not to humans. I've lived here my entire life, and my parents never warned me about the Checkered Adders, Ribbon Snakes, Rat Snakes, Garter Snakes, and so forth that we occasionally have visit the garden (or house). Unless it was a huge snake, in which case the worry was less about the venom and more about the size of the wound and the risk of infection.
No venomous snakes in Maine, unless you're at a zoo.
I haven’t heard that
I found it on this page of the Australian Geographics: »World’s deadliest spider: the funnel-web«. In the middle of the page, they write: »Animals such as cats and dogs can survive a funnel web bite quite easily, their body neutralises the toxin in about half an hour,” Robert explains. And birds are no exception. “We say if you’ve got lots of funnel webs get chickens – they’ll gobble them up quite happily.«

Woah! Now Blanca Duck is asking for the way to Sydney, she wants to help you with the spider problem - and fill her stomach with tasty hairy spiders. :lau
Platys STING?
Yes they do! - From the WP article: »While both male and female platypuses are born with ankle spurs, only the male's spurs deliver venom … Although powerful enough to kill smaller animals such as dogs, the venom is not lethal to humans, but the pain is so excruciating that the victim may be incapacitated.«
Imagine a four legged duck with venom glands! - Blanca Duck just told me she wants two extra legs, so that she run faster and catch more mice! :lau
Note to self: scratch "visit Australia" from Bucket List.
I wouldn't give up so easy:
  1. Yes, Australia has the most venomous spider, the most venomous snake, the most venomous … - almost all most venomous animals are located in Australia - and there's the Salties, White Sharks, Irukandji jellyfish, and …
    But: All these animals are not actively hunting you down!
    Compare that to Mountain Lions, Bears, Coyotes here in the U.S. Especially those Cougars have been a threat to unsuspicious joggers or mountain bikers in the past.
  2. There are some places in Australia like no other in the world: Uluru (aka Ayers Rock), the Blue Mountains, Great Barrier Reef, Cape Tribulation, the thunderstorms of Brisbane, …
Edit: I meant the thunderstorms in Port Darwin! - Not Brisbane…
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I found it on this page of the Australian Geographics: »World’s deadliest spider: the funnel-web«. In the middle of the page, they write: »Animals such as cats and dogs can survive a funnel web bite quite easily, their body neutralises the toxin in about half an hour,” Robert explains. And birds are no exception. “We say if you’ve got lots of funnel webs get chickens – they’ll gobble them up quite happily.«

Woah! Now Blanca Duck is asking for the way to Sydney, she wants to help you with the spider problem - and fill her stomach with tasty hairy spiders. :lau
Tell her to buy a ticket to a plane and come on over we’d happily have her in our dam.

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