What temp and humidity should my incubator be at to get a 90% hatch rate


May 21, 2015
Northern Massachusetts
I'm really new to hatching chickens and I only have 7 eggs in the incubator I candled them on day 7 and they looked perfect they were moving and doing fine but I gut want to get a 90% hatch rate because I only have 7 eggs and I use a home made incubator and if it gets to hot one day the incubator temp rises significantly higher and I just need to know what temp and what humitidy is good enough for a 90% hatch rate And I also have a second question if a chick is having trouble getting out of a egg can I take the chick out of the egg and help it get out? Thank u
I don't think there's any way to guarantee a 90% hatch rate. I had a 80% in my Brinsa, who ive been told are one of the best incubators. I think the averages about 70%.
Your humidity should be at/around 40-45% until lockdown, which is day 19 of 21.
Your temp should be at 99-100° and you can lower it down to 97-98 for lockdown, whatever you prefer.

If the chick has externally pipped for 36 hours, I think you could assist it then. One of my duck eggs I had to assist because the membrane was super thick, causing it trouble. When it's made a little crakck that you can see, kind of a circular shape, that's when it's externally pipped (someone stopme if this is incorrect), and when it starts cracking from the circle crack is called zipping.

Hope this helps!
I don't think there's any way to guarantee a 90% hatch rate. I had a 80% in my Brinsa, who ive been told are one of the best incubators. I think the averages about 70%.
Your humidity should be at/around 40-45% until lockdown, which is day 19 of 21.
Your temp should be at 99-100° and you can lower it down to 97-98 for lockdown, whatever you prefer.

If the chick has externally pipped for 36 hours, I think you could assist it then. One of my duck eggs I had to assist because the membrane was super thick, causing it trouble. When it's made a little crakck that you can see, kind of a circular shape, that's when it's externally pipped (someone stopme if this is incorrect), and when it starts cracking from the circle crack is called zipping.

Hope this helps!
Thank u !
I don't think there's any way to guarantee a 90% hatch rate. I had a 80% in my Brinsa, who ive been told are one of the best incubators. I think the averages about 70%.
Your humidity should be at/around 40-45% until lockdown, which is day 19 of 21.
Your temp should be at 99-100° and you can lower it down to 97-98 for lockdown, whatever you prefer.

If the chick has externally pipped for 36 hours, I think you could assist it then. One of my duck eggs I had to assist because the membrane was super thick, causing it trouble. When it's made a little crakck that you can see, kind of a circular shape, that's when it's externally pipped (someone stopme if this is incorrect), and when it starts cracking from the circle crack is called zipping.

Hope this helps!
For still air it should be 101-102.
When it starts to go around the egg is the zip.

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