what the ? ............. BABY Goldfish !!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 13, 2007
NE Alabama
I have a 6' by 10' goldfish pond with 7 goldfish. I was out feeding this morning and starting noticing a little dark flash among the lily pads... little grayish goldfish!!? GAH!!

so I just had to share. lol, I am so excited!

I've got a couple of questions - if there are any fish experts out there...

* How long would it take babies to get about 3/4 of an inch ?

*And, as far as i can tell, there are only gray colored ones... are they all born that color? or are they the ones that could blend in and not get eaten??

thanks ya'll
Congrats! Yes, they are born gray. They get colors as they age. For how long it takes them to grow up... all depends on temp and food they get to eat, and if they aren't eaten first! Good luck!
Goldfish can change color, but from my observations they pretty much stay the same color from the time they're about 6 weeks old and on. The grey color is their natural carp color. The "gold" goldfish you see are line bred like chickens and such to maintain specific colors. The golfish that come out grey(dark) are usually sent to pet stores as feeders.

The growth rate depends on temperature, water quality and food quality. I've seen goldfish grow from 1/2" in June to 4" by September.
Congrats ! Yes, they are all born grayish to almost black. My in-laws have 3 ponds and last summer one of them had hundreds of babies in it. This year they have had to thin them out because they had become too crowded.
wow - thanks for such quick responses!

very helpful ! i never thought i would have babies out there!

i actually have one more question... i have a medium sized bullfrog that i have let stay in the pond... i am ASSUMING he would pose a threat... enough so that i should relocate him ?

thanks again!
They grow pretty fast! They have to or they get eaten
And if outside with access to lots of good things to eat, they really thrive
If you're talking regular feeder type goldfish, they can change color to some extent, and often will do until full maturity... but they won't change too much. Example... a red and white one might have the red "grow" or one with black on it might have the black markings disappear over time. Often though the dark/silver ones will remain that kind of wild carp color.

I always dreamed of raising Exhibition Orandas! LMAO Maybe someday

If you ever bring your fish in, you will notice your males during breeding season will have these little white dots on their gills.

I have never had much luck with mine having babies because the fry tend to get eaten so fast since mom and dad have no qualms about it!

Happy goldfish rearing
* You'd have to relocate him/her pretty far!!! I've walked to the far end of the block with toads and put them across the r.r. track, only to have them follow me home in an hour or so. They are very territorial and seem to have an uncanny sense of direction. . . . .
I missed that ... LOL I had a bullfrog eat my favorite fantail once! And another eat one of my other frogs.. I tried prying his mouth open to no avail
But I kept my bullfrogs anyhow, because, well... I like em so darned much!

But, if you relocate... make sure it's a long ways away

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