What the heck breed is this??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 22, 2011

This bird was supposed to be a SLW pullet and I believe it is a roo and definitely not SLW. Any ideas? In this pic it would be about 10-11 weeks old. Now at 14 weeks, it is larger than my RIR hens and has really heavy legs, which is why I think rooster, except it's tail has grown tremendously upwards and does resemble my Australorp hen's tail.
I'm baffled
Hmmm... definitely a dinosaur! I agree that everything about that bird looks pullet except those ginormous legs! Holy chicken god! I have no idea.
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do you have other pictures of it??
i want to say cornish but i dont think they breed blue.. and i really dont remeber what it look like as a pullet.
I can try to get more recent pictures...it is hard to photograph. Very camera shy
I didn't know JG came in blue, but that makes sense and when I look it up, there are birds that look identical. If it is indeed a pullet, me thinks I shall need a super sized nesting box!
yeah try to get some really good pictures
lol i have a few that are pains and as soon as my phone or bright green camra comes out they run..
and i have two turkeys that want to eat it
OK I didn't think of blue wyandotte, but I thought they had yellow legs?

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