What the heck! Is broody behavior catching?

I used a wire-bottom rabbit cage to break my broody last month. It took about two weeks, and then two weeks after that she was back to being broody. So this time I gave in and gave her some eggs to set. I wasn't ready for it, but I figure I can sell the ones I don't want to keep pretty easitly, and maybe this will get it out of her system for a while. I miss her nice white eggs.
Wow! Have I said lately that you guys rock?! Thanks so much for all the input!

LauraLou, those pics are great! We are definitely handy, we're knee deep in the middle of a renovation of an 1800's farm house, and have tons of scraps. We totally have to build a permanent broody jail with multiple cells like your remodeled rabbit coop. Thanks!

Math ace, I will see if I can convince my girls to send some broody energy your way!

Dldolan, I heard about the butt dunking trick too, I may try that in conjunction with the broody jail. Gotta love that stink eye! I've been getting that one quite a bit myself!

Thanks again everyone! We're off to build a broody jail now! (Ugh! I'm supposed to be tiling our shower!)

Just so you know, that's not too young to be broody. My 7 month old pure Ameraucana just hatched out 8 babies on Tuesday. I'm amazed by the experience, seeing the chicks with a momma hen.
If you can't sell the eggs, contact your local food pantry coordinator, they will probably be glad to take them and give you a receipt for you donations. I know mine will be tax deductible.
ddawn... I made pickled eggs recently when I had an overflow of eggs!
This way they will keep longer and I can take them to family get together.
I may try to make deviled eggs from the pickled eggs too. Imagine pink deviled eggs!

oh, and my pickled eggs aren't too pickled, they also have pickling spices in them,
which is different from the way my mom used to make them

as far as broodies go.. I need to try dunking bums in cold water soon. I have 2 broodies and only 3 nest boxes.
The third nest box I just made because of the 2 broodies. I had 2 broodies, but let one hatch an egg after I tried
to put 2 of them in a dog crate to break them. One of the broodies plucked the other nearly bald on her head.

Now I have one little d'Uccle chick running around with a Cochin Momma... it is so tiny and so cute! And Momma is happy!


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