what the heck is she?!


10 Years
Nov 2, 2009
North Texas
Okay, I have a crew of 15 little peepers running around, and I know what most of them are, but this one has me stumped. I have posted her before, and haven't gotten any guesses, so I am giving her her very own thread this time. It occurs to me that it is possible she isn't one of the "rare breed" assortment crew, so here is my entire order, and the list of possible rare breeds, but she doesn't really fit into the other breeds I ordered...

This is what she looked like last week

These pictures are from today:

there appears to be some black coming in on her tail

her wings appear to have soft tan/gray coming in

legs are developing a faint blue/gray color

does not appear to have a beard

single comb.

order included 1 white leghorn (accounted for), 2 easter eggers (accounted for), 1 speckled Sussex, and 1 BCM

Possible rare breeds are as follows:
  • Buckeye
  • Ancona
  • Easter Egger
  • Ameraucana (Wheaten, Blue, Black, Splash)
  • Black Sumatra
  • Andalusian (Blue, Black, or Splash)
  • Appenzeller Spitzhauben
  • Sicilian Buttercup
  • Salmon Faverolles
  • Golden Campine
  • Buff Chantecler
  • Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
  • Barnevelder
  • Brahma (Buff Brahma, Light Brahma)
  • Marans (Silver Cuckoo, Golden Cuckoo, Black Copper, Blue Copper, Blue Splash, White)
  • Dominique
  • Columbian Wyandotte
  • Dark Cornish
  • Cochin
  • Welsummer
  • White Sultan
  • Polish (Assorted colors)
  • Exchequer Leghorn
  • Speckled Sussex
  • Hamburg (Assorted colors)
  • Lakenvelder (Silver, Golden)
  • Partridge Penedesenca
  • Jersey Giant
  • Blue Orpington
  • Silver Grey Dorking
  • Egyptian Fayoumi
  • Black Langshans
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The chick is too young to guess its breed with any real degree of accuracy. I would post it again in 3-4 weeks along with your list of possible rare breeds and then we should be able to tell you for sure.
It is too young to tell the breed accurately; all we can do now is guess. Maybe a really light Splash Andalusian?
The only breeds I see there that I could even picture that chick being are the Andalusian, Giant or blue Orpington.....and none of them look quite right. It looks almost like a silver partridge kinda thing going on...it will be interesting to see pics in another month or so!

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