What the HECK was that!??! Pellet gun shooting?

well im guessing your neighbours now know who the culprit is thats shooting squrrels and having them die in their yards

We don't have squirrels or what one would call real trees here in the desert, but the pellet gun I use is .22 cal and pests we use it on drop pretty close to where hit unless a bad shot so likely wouldn't make it to the closest neighbors yard

Really hate to kill any wild critter, but if critters decide to become pests or predators all bets are off.....
Well, so far...I'm wondering if it was a mountain lion. It was large, nocturnal, tan, and not afraid of DF. I'm a little freaked out. But mountain lions wouldn't comethis close to the house, would they? And even if it did it would be scared of DF shining it with a flashlight!
Oh, so confusing.
Yes a lion will come near a home for easy food if it's normal prey has become scarce and can be very dangerous! And I will say.... DO NOT shoot it with the pellet gun!

Are you in an area that animal control or fish and game will come trap it for you?

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What your family does doesn't matter as much as coming up with a long term plan.
I used this one. I bought four of them, one for each direction, and the critters stay away. I have found that it must be PITCH black, the twilight light allows them to see that there is no critter there blinking at them. Once the twilight is done they work great.
Lol we have tan possums around here! but the way you describe it it seems to be moving alot faster then any possum ive ever seen! if you dont want it suffering then shoot it with a rifle if you can get a clean shot of it... or if you wanna go with the live trap any of the metal ones ought to work youve seen the animal so just get one around the size bait it (probably wet cat food will work) and set it near the coop.. Keep us updated im curious as to what it is! Good luck and happy hunting/trapping
I hunt and trap small game with a pellet rifle. 1200 fps. A well placed shot will do the trick. Us a good penetrating pellet, something with a large point. If it is a coon, you want to aim for the head. Through the eye or if you can, a well positioned shot in it's ear on an angle. Should take it right down
have fun hunting.
Cool! Thanks so much for your help, were pretty sure it was a bobcat and first chance DF get's were gonna set a trap and some night vision cameras to see what'll come around.
I would not be inclined to believe it a bobcat if there are claw marks, and the print is slender...bobcats have wide, round footprints, but I would LOVE to see what you catch on camera! I guess it coulda been a bobcat, and the foot just didn't plant square on the ground like normal.

There is a bobcat footprint at the bottom of this article. Did it look like this? I would love to see a picture of the footprint.


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