What the Heck?


7 Years
May 31, 2012
Any idea what breed these are? I am a total newbie at this, the store said they were all female, so I'm pretty sure that's right. I was thinking they were Buff Orpingtons when they were younger, but now I'm not so sure. Help me please!!
They are very friendly too in my experience! They love to stick their beak in your business

Lol you arn't kidding! My favorite, Darla, loves to get onto my lap when we sit outside, and bawk up a storm at me. I imagine she's catching me up on the local gossip. Once she's done, she'll primly rearrange her feathers, and hop down to wander off.

My friend who has a whole slew of these girls has one in particular that will call to her from the porch until she comes out to cuddle the little lady. What a cutie. My friend does her chores with her little hen tucked under her arm, happily watching the other hens have to hoof it themselves.
Lol you arn't kidding! My favorite, Darla, loves to get onto my lap when we sit outside, and bawk up a storm at me. I imagine she's catching me up on the local gossip. Once she's done, she'll primly rearrange her feathers, and hop down to wander off. My friend who has a whole slew of these girls has one in particular that will call to her from the porch until she comes out to cuddle the little lady. What a cutie. My friend does her chores with her little hen tucked under her arm, happily watching the other hens have to hoof it themselves.
Yes - mine is the same way. She also likes to hog the camera. I'll have to show you what I mean :)

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