What the?!

Cats Critters

Completely Indecisive
13 Years
Oct 15, 2007
Clarion County, PA
My Coop
My Coop
I just went out to give water to the chickens and collect eggs, got about half way out and started hearing this weird noise, first thought is one of the chickens hurt? Second one was it sounds kind of like a turkey, but it sounded really wrong. Went to the noise, it was one of my CM hens! It sounded like a turkey(gobbling) in chicken form.
Once I got to her she stopped and followed me to the water, she was fine everyone seemed fine so, what the heck was up with that noise?
Maybe she is just testing her imitating skills.
Sometimes they make the weirdest sounds. Last week I was gathering eggs (the nest boxes actually sit through the wall into the tool shed part of the building) and looked out the window as I heard a bizarre rumble, then higher pitched sound with a partial cat-like sound coming from one of our barred rocks. She was relaxed looking, and looking into the neighbor's yard. I have no idea what that vocalization was about. The neighbor's dogs were not out, neither were the neighbors, and I couldn't see any birds, or anything else out of the ordinary, for that matter. Maybe she just likes to keep me guessing.

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