What to add to the flock?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
Brookville, Pa
I currently have 6 Speckled Sussex as my starter flock. I would like to eventually like to add on. I am debating on either staying with the Sussex or adding a different breed. I am interested in either egg layers or dual purpose. I was looking for something that would be a good match. I have 15month old and a baby due in September so temperament is important. Thank you for any suggestions.
Look no further than the amazing, kid friendly and loveable Buff Orpington! Check out my review on them here, and I promise that you will look no further!! After you see the review, you can see many more adventures of my kids with their Buff Orpingtons and what a sweet and wonderful breed they truly are by clicking here. Welcome to BYC!

Our Country Chronicles
Hi. Does the friendliness apply to all orpingtons or just buff? I've been wanting to add some buffs to my flock, however a local breeder has Lemons(?) and was wondering if they will be just as friendly.
Black Australorps are pretty cool. They are nice birds. I like them. They are geourgous too. Fantastic layers! I definently agree with rosterandhens.

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