What to breed to a cream legbar?


5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
I think I may have a cream legbar cockerel. What breed of chicken could I breed it with to retain the colored egg laying, if possible, without a cream legbar hen? Also, would it be possible to get sex-linked chicks with that same breed?
You can't get sex links from a cream Legbar cockerel. If you had a pullet, you could get sex link chicks breeding her to a non-barred, non-white male.

Breeding him to brown egg layers is going to give you offspring that lay green eggs. Breeding him to white egg layers will give you offspring that lay lighter blue eggs. Breeding him to EE hens that lay blue or green eggs will give you offspring that lay blue or green eggs.

I have a single cream Legbar pullet I'm going to put under my splash Ameraucana cockerel in the spring...hoping I get pretty colored sex link chicks that lay blue eggs!
Thanks for the info! Why can you only get sex links with a pullet? Hopefully you'll be able to get some pretty eggs with that combo!

Check out the thread above, it has great information about the different types of sex links. For a black sex link, which is what you'd be doing with a cream Legbar pullet, the mother has to be the barred bird. A female passes barring only to her male offspring, so if she's bred to a non-barred bird, only her male offspring will be barred. A male barred bird passes barring to all his chicks regardless of gender. So, your Legbar cockerel will give you pretty barred birds of different colors, just not sex linked.

Check out the thread above, it has great information about the different types of sex links. For a black sex link, which is what you'd be doing with a cream Legbar pullet, the mother has to be the barred bird. A female passes barring only to her male offspring, so if she's bred to a non-barred bird, only her male offspring will be barred. A male barred bird passes barring to all his chicks regardless of gender. So, your Legbar cockerel will give you pretty barred birds of different colors, just not sex linked.

This info on using Cream Legbar pullets to make a Sexlink is correct, but the info on not being able to use male Cream Legbars to make Sexlinks is incorrect.

You can use a Male Cream Legbar to create Red Sexlinks. Because Cream Legbars are gold based you need to cross him to a silver based hen to get a Sexlink. By doing this you get chicks you can sex not by a barring headspot but instead by the down color at hatch.

If you look at post num one on the link you provided look at the chart that shows some of the crosses to get a red Sexlink that will show you some of the hen options you can use in the cross.

I have done this cross by using Silver Laced Wyandottes and Silver Laced Cochins. Female offspring lay green eggs.
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So if I crossed him with a female salmon faverolle or light brahma I would be able to get sexlinks? I have pullets of each of these breeds. Any idea what the chicks would come out looking like? Thanks for the info, its a big help!
You can't get sex links from a cream Legbar cockerel. If you had a pullet, you could get sex link chicks breeding her to a non-barred, non-white male.

Breeding him to brown egg layers is going to give you offspring that lay green eggs. Breeding him to white egg layers will give you offspring that lay lighter blue eggs. Breeding him to EE hens that lay blue or green eggs will give you offspring that lay blue or green eggs.

I have a single cream Legbar pullet I'm going to put under my splash Ameraucana cockerel in the spring...hoping I get pretty colored sex link chicks that lay blue eggs!
Following! I have one cream legbar but wasn’t sure what rooster I needed to breed her with..
Following! I have one cream legbar but wasn’t sure what rooster I needed to breed her with..
Breeding to get cream legbar hen….I also have a few sexlinks, silver laced Wyandotte, buff orphinton, and Easter eggers (that only lay brown variety)… what’s best rooster to purchase to get range of egg colors?

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