What to do about Snowbird's beak?

More pictures of Snowbird's beak.


I did see him eat mash and drink water. And mate one of the hens.

I'm worried that the keratin layer of his upper beak may get caught on something and be pulled off.
Good news! The loose wing-ding sticking off to the side of Snowbird's beak is off! I didn't have to clip it, it just was broken and loose enough to come off on its own. YAY! I really didn't want to try to trim it. I'm sure that would have been painful and scary for him, as I'd have to take him off the roost at night, wrapped up in a towel.
Good news! The loose wing-ding sticking off to the side of Snowbird's beak is off! I didn't have to clip it, it just was broken and loose enough to come off on its own. YAY! I really didn't want to try to trim it. I'm sure that would have been painful and scary for him, as I'd have to take him off the roost at night, wrapped up in a towel.
I was wondering if the pinkish area under that peeling part was hard or soft.
Wonders of the beak peels/sheds regularly?
Never read anytime about that and haven't seen it, but still wonder.
I was wondering f the pinkish area under that peeling part was hard or soft.
I thought the pink area was the quick. It's soft and looks like it would be painful if touched.

Snowbird did something to his beak a month or so ago. Not sure what happened, then or this time. This injury looked like he did a face plant, poor guy.

I've seen him eating regular crumble feed, but I'm going to keep giving him mash for a few days yet.

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