What to do about this little hen?

I had hens in the house before.All I had room for was a small pet cage.When they started to lay inside they would do it right there in the bedding. I was constantly cleaning poo,and got the egg right out. I left food in,but would hold the water for my hens. Yeah,bring her in and fatten her up. I actually liked having hens in the house.Loved to hear them talking.

Here is the only picture I have uploaded of one of my former inside hens. Wishing your hen better health!


My hens did not lay right away,but like poo they eventually gotta let it out! They will lay.Add some lifeway kefir to the food too.
My little Australorpe is the bottom of the pecking order of six hens and has always been a little skittish. Ironically, the three "big girls" as I call them, the ones at the top end, don't pick on her too much but the other two, right above her are merciless to her. She just hunches down and takes it.

So, I would sometimes let her out of the pen to run around the yard by herself and feed her in secret places away from the ones who chase her away no matter if they have lots of food. I would also give her extras by hand and other special treats. She actually got pretty savvy and would sidle up to the chicken door in the morning after I threw them their nut snack for morning wake up and want me to let her out.

I had a dog house available for her to lay in.

This extra attention from the "rooster" perked her up. She's still the bottom of the order, but when I let her out by herself she struts around the rest of the girls (still behind bars) and in general acts much happier. She's got that beautiful Australorpe "U" shape to her body when she walks.

As someone said, I've become fonder of her as time has gone on. Which might not be a good thing since one of my big girls is dying. Why did I ever get emotionally attached to a bunch of chickens?

Make sure you have at least two food dishes and waterers. I do this so that the ones who are at the bottom have a better chance of getting to the food/water. I notice that when most of the chickens are eating around one dish, the ones at the lower end of the pecking order go to the other dish and eat. Hope this helps a bit. Unfortunately, there will always be one at the bottom so I find it best to try to find a more permanent solution such as adding extra dishes. Your idea of bringing her inside is a good one though and should give her a nice start to feeling better. Best of luck to you!
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I've had her inside since Sunday and she seems to be doing well! She was freaking out at first, desperately trying to find a way out, but has calmed down a lot since. She has been so hungry! I can't believe how much she is eating! Her comb looks so much better and she seems calmer overall.

I've noticed that her poop (though really smelly!) looks really healthy. So, I'm thinking it really is a pecking order issue instead of an illness one? I would assume that her poop would show signs of illness, right?

Any ideas on how to transition her back into the flock?

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