What to do now...broody guinea hens on eggs that arent hatching?


6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
Butler Pennsylvania
Brief update, i have 6 hens, one male. He seems to prefer 2 of the hens, the rest he chases off.
2 of the 'unchosen' have been broody since may 4' sitting on 3 eggs, (and golf balls ) in my coop. I had left the 3 eggs there for them, otherwise i collect every day. It seems as if these eggs werent fertile. How long should i wait until i pitch those eggs? And....
Now what to do?
Put more eggs under them to try again? I am not really interested in expanding my flock, but i am happy they have nested in my coop instaed of the woods. I would be happy to add a small number of babies (3?) to let the moms raise instead of my having to do it, but my whole intent of having guineas was tick control. I am actually not even supposed to have them in this area but no complaints so far. I would like to keep them active, without over running the area.
Thank you
Since there was no replies and I was running out of time..................I took the 3 eggs out of the coop/nest and buried them. AT 32 day I think they were not fertile. I placed 4 new eggs under the 2 broody hens, (and by comparison these eggs are from different hens than the others) I will let the 'mothers' try again. AT best case scenario, I will have keets by July 3. At worst case scenario, I won't have keets by July 3-but I will still have my full flock of bird. As the egg turns.................
Maybe keep some water and food around for them if you havnt. I'm surprised they have stayed on that long. I hope they will sit them out for you. We are overran with ticks also.
My hens are behaving rather civilized even with sitting on eggs....They let me walk into the coop and just move off to the other side, kind of growling at me, but they do that anyways...lol and as soon as I leave the coop they get right back on the nest. The food and water is within 2 feet of their nest, and I toss fresh greens and lettuce in there every day.
They went broody on May 3. I have no idea what the next month will bring, but I will be sure to share the experiences here!
Actually I placed 7 new eggs under the hens.....I removed a few of the golf balls/rocks that were in there. This morning 3 hens were setting, trying to cover the nest. By afternoon it was down to one 'old faithful' in there covering everything up.

On other notes.........
When I fried up some eggs this morning for breakfast for the dogs...........one of the internals was 'bloody" and wouldn't detach from the shell.............I promptly tossed it in the woods.
It was dated from an late April collection............I am NOT sure what happened there, and I am NOT sure I want to know.
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