what to do when you encounter "wild" domestic geese in a bustling city?


5 Years
My husband and I went to visit a friend in the hospital a couple days ago. Across the street, I saw two African geese, likely looking for a nice nesting spot...Right next to the road!

The last time I saw loose geese like this, it did not end kindly, one of them was hit by traffic. I cried for days after that happened (these were Canadian geese.) I believe they had been clipped or pinioned, because they could not fly more than about 3 or 4 feet off the ground.
Not sure what you are wanting to do about them but...

Several years ago I worked at a place that had a large pond on the property as part of the landscaping. Every spring there were dozens of Canadian geese nesting around the property. Of course a number of them always picked spots along the sidewalk between the parking lot and the building. They got very defensive. Rather than walking way out of the way or putting up with their attacks, I took to carrying an umbrella every day till they moved on, one of the automatic kind. If a goose came near me I simply popped the umbrella open. That sent them running. I don't blame the geese, they were just doing what comes naturally. I do blame the property owner though for allowing the geese to take up residence.
Not sure what you are asking.. .. any bird listed by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is under Federal Law in North America. African geese are not.. ..so no impact.

The city near us has a flock of resident Canadian Geese. They mosey around to different ponds, fountains, etc throughout the city. I admire them and leave them alone.
The city near us has a flock of resident Canadian Geese. They mosey around to different ponds, fountains, etc throughout the city. I admire them and leave

them alone.

Have no idea where you love.. ..laws in North America are very different from other continents.

I guess they are. I live in GA, in the Southeast United States. Up in WI, there is a wildlife sanctuary/nature center, and they have thousands of Canadian Geese during the summer.
States manage resident Canada geese within the Federal guidelines....set at the July
Flyway meetings. ...

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