What to do with extra eggs?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 1, 2010
I am new to chickens and currently have 4 Rhode Island Reds and plan on getting 3 Dominiques, 2 Buff Brahmas and possibly 1 Buff Orpington next week. They are all chicks and are not currently laying, however when they start to lay, I should have close to 2000 eggs per year, right,? I eat a lot of eggs but not that many and its just me all my family is out of state. Any ideas on what to do with all those extra eggs or what you guys do with them? Would appreciate the help.

If you can't sell them to your coworkers, neighbors and friends... feed them back to your chickens. Just cook them up first. They will love it!!
I'm getting 25 chicks soon, so I'm in your same predicament. Hopefully someone else will come and inspire us?
i assume you work, go to school, church or have some other social circle of friends, so SELL THEM!!!! i cant shut up about my chickens, everyone asks about the eggs. You will get a lot of differing opinions on price, i charge $2 a dozen for fresh, organic free range eggs. So, i do not suggest you consume that many eggs unless you want to start training to be a sumo wrestler, sell them! It will cover the cost of the food and you will have a free supply of fresh eggs.
you can cook ALL kinds of things with eggs... not just scrambled eggs.

You can sell them... give them away to neighbors or friends..
i even cook them up and feed them back to my birds as extra feed for them. Dogs LOVE eggs... cooked OR raw mixed in with their feed...
Sell them. That's what extra eggs are for. Although that may only be if you have enough to get you enough fresh eggs each time, and not just collect a dozen to sell over a week or more.
First off, I don't think you'll see 2,000 eggs a year. They slow way down in winter (I had 6 hens at the time and was lucky to get 1 egg a day in winter), add in time that they quit laying for molting too.

Now in the summer, you'll be swimming in eggs.

So here's your options:
Eat them!!!! They are too yummy not to. (hard boiled, egg salad sandwiches, scrambled, over easy.....lot's of variety!)
Give them away to friends or neighbors.
Sell them.
Donate them to a food closet.
I've been sending eggs to work with my BF when I have an extra 18 pack. He gives them to his co-workers. It makes me feel good because some are just not financially 'comfortable'. As long as they bring me the carton back!! haha!

Otherwise you can sell them!?
you can usually find a few people living in your area that would love to purchase fresh eggs.
Or you can sell them to the local Feed Sore, or organic health food stores, there are even some resturants that purchase fresh eggs from individual people.

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