What to do with lame geese?


May 28, 2020
Hi everyone,

We have had ducks for several years now, and decided to add geese to our flock this year. We purchased 3 goslings from a mail order hatchery and they seemed healthy at first. After about 2 weeks we noticed signs of what appeared to be niacin deficiency, so added niacin pills to their water. They didn't get better after a few days and after further research we realized the "flush free" niacin was not absorbed and switched to a different source. 2 of the goslings got better almost immediately but one still couldn't walk. He has very slowly gotten better over a period of almost 2 weeks, but he appears to have crooked or bowed legs. When touching its femurs, I can feel a significant angle bend in them, maybe as much as 40 degrees on on side and slightly less on the other.

The gosling can walk around slowly but not for long and is very quickly abandoned by its other friends that are healthy and much faster. When they'll be grown they will be let loose on the farm, and I am afraid that this gosling will spend its life alone and an easy target for predators.

Does anyone know if the bones can be "bent back"? He has slowly improved to this point but I don't know how much better we can expect him to get. Could the bone be broken and reset? Or do we have to look at more dire options?
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Honestly as to correcting an issue like that a vet might need to look at it and decide the best plan of action. I do know that leg issues can be caused not only by niacin deficiency but also by other b vitamin deficiency and by protein deficiency. Slipped tendons can also cause leg issues.

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