What to do with monster dog.. Morally and Logically. (Long!)

Thank you for giving him a chance to know love.

Some questions to ask yourself:

1. Can you live with the constant "what if he attacks a child", if you rehome him?

2. Can you live with your other animals being food for him and eventually becoming afraid of their own yard if you keep him?

3. Can you live with the worry that one day he might attack you, if you keep him?

I love animals deerly, and honestly believe the best thing for that poor dog would be to put him to sleep.
I agree with your vet... If you sent him to the pound they would probably euthanize him (after he is scared to death by being there) - if you found him a new home I am positive that he WOULD bite someone eventually.

I say take him to Burger King, get him a whopper and fries... then take him to the vet and let him rest. It's sad... but some dogs are just too far gone. Some people just don't deserve dogs. (I don't mean you! I mean his original owners!!)

I'm sorry.. I know this is hard... but it's what is best. You can have control of the situation and make sure it is done right... Instead of passing the problem on and having the dog suffer beatings or neglect because whoever took him got angry at him for what is not his fault.

Be strong... my thoughts are with you. You can do the right thing
That poor dog. It sounds like he is a little wacko. I think that the best thing for him would be to put him down. If you give him to another person, he might attack them,their other pets (if they have any), or their kids if they have any. I'm really sorry that you have to make that tough discision. :aww
I agree, that the only safe option is to end his suffering - even if it is just mental suffering.

It sounds like you have given him love, patience, good food, good shelter, - so this may have been the best time of his life - you will be sending him off as a well treated dog.
bless you.
So sorry for the mental anguish that you are going through. I know the feeling. We bought a Golden Retriever last spring and I had to take her to an animal shelter this spring. She had a food aggression issue that we just could not control. We worked and worked with her for almost a year. Once she grew to be a full grown dog, the issue became deadly. She tried to bite me, and DID bite my husband.

The place we took her to said they are seeing more and more of this in purebred animals. People are inbreeding them. I gave them all of the breeder's info and I hope that they followed up on them. We did not buy her directly from the breeder, but from someone else. I bet that they knew and sold her to us anyways at 13 weeks old.

I am not sure what happened with her. They were going to run her through some tests.. if she passed, she would get adopted out. If not.. she was put down. My guess is, they had to put her down.

It was such a hard choice to make... I was glad for her to get the 50-50 option at the humane society. Maybe she just didn't like us? She was the 3rd Golden that we had owned, and so different from the others.

Now... now my dog is a chicken!
Sounds like your monster dog is busy trying to make himself the Alpha Dog in the house. By showing you what he is capable of as well as his intimidation tactics. Normally when a dog tries to show his dominance over me I become the bully until he gets the idea that I'M the Alpha Dog. Unless he comes after me , then its a throwdown until I win. But I would never take on a dog larger than myself or one that I wasn't sure of what the outcome would be!

This dog sounds large and CRAZY! Waste no time and feel no guilt. Put him down before you regret it.
The guilt will be much greater if he hurts a family member or another precious pet!
Thanks so much guys... I've called the vet and made the appointment.

Ultimately, I knew it was my only choice but I needed some serious reassurance from other animal lovers and I got it from you guys. I really appreciate that.

I've rescued multiple dogs, some moving on to other homes and some staying with me for life. I've never ran across one that I just couldn't "fix" so to speak. I'm the girl that goes to the shelter, asks who's on death row then picks the one out of that group that looks plain hopeless. Train him or her then rehome them successfully many times. This one, no matter how much time I spend, it's not possible.

Today, my border collie mix gave me a clear message and I took it. I was walking towards his fence to be sure his waterer was full, she ran towards me and blocked me with her body, nudging me *away* from his fence... I think Abigail knows he's not okay. She's never pulled anything like that in the past... In fact, she loves everyone and everything.

Again, thank you so much... I'm going out to buy him a cheeseburger and scramble him a couple eggs. Also fill up his kiddie pool for him today. It's hard... but it would be even harder if he killed one of my other dogs or injured a human. And it would be highly irresponsible if I ditched that on someone else.
I know it's hard, i'm a sucker for a rescue case but you are doing the right thing. At least this way you might be making a space for a good dog to find a home, whether it's the space in a shelter he would have taken up or the home he could have gone to.
I'm wondering if he may have a brain tumor or something. Some dogs get aggressive like that, and beings your border is acting that way, I would assume something is wrong with him more then his attitude. Its a good choice you are making.

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