What to do with my roos?


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Central Indiana
i have a broody hen, hatching chix as i type. this is my 3 round of babies i have let hatch.
each hatch has produced at least one rooster. i currently have two grown rooster and 2 roos.
i am sure i will have another roo in this mix.

i do not need/want that many. 2-3 is plenty. they are 'muts'. what are good options to do with them...besides eat!
Try selling them or giving them away for free on craigslist, make sure you include plenty of photos they will go much faster!
Sell or give them away to someone else to eat!
Although, personally, I wouldn't want to go to the work and expense of raising them myself just for someone else to enjoy a tasty chicken dinner.
Honestly, there's not much else you can do with extra roosters. Put an ad out, don't ask whoever is taking them off your hands what they plan on doing with them, and just keep telling yourself that they're going to live on a farm with lots of hens for them to hang out with, and not possibly going to people who will eat them or use them to train their fighting roosters. You could give them to a shelter - I've heard that people do that - but again, the outcome isn't probably going to be as bright as you're hoping. If you don't want extra roosters to deal with, you might want to rethink hatching out batch after batch of chicks, since it's impossible to guarantee that you will only get pullets.
thanks for the info.
i don't hatch out a lot of chicks.
a few roos is fine, but i don't want to keep that many.
i am happy to give them away.
i just did not know what the best way to go about it is.


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