What to do


In the Brooder
Aug 17, 2020
I've had chickens for along time none have ever wanted to have little ones, but the beginning of spring two got broody, one hatched one baby while the other hatched three one wanted to get away from her three as quick as she could, I put her back in the pen with the others, she was fine, when let the other mamma out with the others they picked on her bad, (I made them all but her get back in the pen their punishment) then I waited two weeks they did the same even the rooster, what in the world do I do besides putting them all in the stew pot which I would never do. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. I have three Rhode island reds, one comet, one Americana, the other they pick on is a black australorp. if that helps thanks
The problem is that the pecking order needs to be reestablished. Try putting just one bird with the hen being bullied; I'd start with the rooster. He will be aggressive towards her and that is normal. As long as no blood is shed leave them together. Once his dominance is asserted the rooster should stop being aggressive. Then each day introduce another flock member starting with the least aggressive hen. You may have to harden your heart, but again, if no blood/physical damage is done, leave them together. Continue until the whole flock is reacquainted. In this way the victim is only dealing with one bird and not the whole flock bullying at the same time. With chickens there is always some bullying, but hopefully this would ease the transition for the hen.

This problem is why many people try to leave broody hens, with heir chicks, with the flock.

If you know the hens prior place in the pecking order you may be able to speed this up a little by putting those hens that were under the australorp in with her at the same time.

Good luck.

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