What to expect for new chick moms?


Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
Ok, this is not my first batch of baby chicks....or even my 2nd. However, I am in some new territory this time around so I'm curious about expectations.

This is my first time incubating and hatching out my own eggs. I hatched out 2 eggs (so far, still waiting on the 3rd). Baby #1, whom I affectionately named Pip, was born yesterday (Day 21). Baby #2, whom I've decide to call Cricket, was born very late last night or sometime before morning (Day 22). This means I have 2 chicks who are now a day old.... This is a new experience because previously I had either feed store or hatchery chicks which were at least 3 days old before I received them.

I also decided to use the Mama Hen Pad Method to keep them warm instead of using the traditional heat lamp. I transferred both dried, fluffy chicks to the brooder earlier this morning. I dipped their beaks in the water to show them where it was... Both pretty much ignored the water and ran under the MHP where they've stayed all morning, quiet as a church mouse.

A little while ago, I did notice Pip had come to the edge of the MHP and was pecking at some chick starter I had tossed on the ground. After eating a little, he/she went back under the pad again and (presumably) back to sleep.

Here's my questions:

1. Is it normal for day old chicks to be this quiet? All the other chicks I had received were quite noisy with lots of chirping. If the silence is normal, then is it because there are only 2 of them? Because I'm using a MHP instead of a heat lamp so they feel safer? Should I check on them more often since they are so quiet?

2. Should I keep dipping their beaks in the water each day until they drinking on their own? Or just leave them alone? I know that baby chicks don't necessarily need water for the first few days because they are sustained by the yolk they ate prior to hatching. With the hatchery & feed store chicks, I only had to show them once and that was enough. I've never had babies this young so I'm not sure what the typical protocol is for training them to the water...or if I should just leave them be and let them figure it out themselves since I've already shown them where it is.
Ok, this is not my first batch of baby chicks....or even my 2nd. However, I am in some new territory this time around so I'm curious about expectations.

This is my first time incubating and hatching out my own eggs. I hatched out 2 eggs (so far, still waiting on the 3rd). Baby #1, whom I affectionately named Pip, was born yesterday (Day 21). Baby #2, whom I've decide to call Cricket, was born very late last night or sometime before morning (Day 22). This means I have 2 chicks who are now a day old.... This is a new experience because previously I had either feed store or hatchery chicks which were at least 3 days old before I received them.

I also decided to use the Mama Hen Pad Method to keep them warm instead of using the traditional heat lamp. I transferred both dried, fluffy chicks to the brooder earlier this morning. I dipped their beaks in the water to show them where it was... Both pretty much ignored the water and ran under the MHP where they've stayed all morning, quiet as a church mouse.

A little while ago, I did notice Pip had come to the edge of the MHP and was pecking at some chick starter I had tossed on the ground. After eating a little, he/she went back under the pad again and (presumably) back to sleep.

Here's my questions:

1. Is it normal for day old chicks to be this quiet? All the other chicks I had received were quite noisy with lots of chirping. If the silence is normal, then is it because there are only 2 of them? Because I'm using a MHP instead of a heat lamp so they feel safer? Should I check on them more often since they are so quiet?

2. Should I keep dipping their beaks in the water each day until they drinking on their own? Or just leave them alone? I know that baby chicks don't necessarily need water for the first few days because they are sustained by the yolk they ate prior to hatching. With the hatchery & feed store chicks, I only had to show them once and that was enough. I've never had babies this young so I'm not sure what the typical protocol is for training them to the water...or if I should just leave them be and let them figure it out themselves since I've already shown them where it is.
I have noticed that chicks hatched from myself are quieter. I think it's because they didn't have to go through the stress of shipment. If you see them drinking water then stop dipping their beaks. You won't see them drink for the first 2 days though. I hope this helps!
I have noticed that chicks hatched from myself are quieter. I think it's because they didn't have to go through the stress of shipment. If you see them drinking water then stop dipping their beaks. You won't see them drink for the first 2 days though. I hope this helps!

Thanks for piping in! These chicks have hardly peeped all day. I've checked them several times just to make sure they were alive... :hmm I cannot believe how quiet they are!

They don't seem at all interested in drinking today. They have picked lightly at the food on the ground, but seem very hesitant to come out from under the MHP at all. I'm just leaving them alone to rest and be calm. They are barely a day old so I won't worry about the drinking for another day or so. Hopefully they will become a little more lively soon.
Thanks for piping in! These chicks have hardly peeped all day. I've checked them several times just to make sure they were alive... :hmm I cannot believe how quiet they are!

They don't seem at all interested in drinking today. They have picked lightly at the food on the ground, but seem very hesitant to come out from under the MHP at all. I'm just leaving them alone to rest and be calm. They are barely a day old so I won't worry about the drinking for another day or so. Hopefully they will become a little more lively soon.
I wouldn't worry about it. They're still figuring out the world!
I'm so glad I come across this post! I had the same questions! I've noticed that the chicks we have hatched recently are so quiet and almost peaceful compared to the feed store chicks I've received in the past. Except for when they have picked at each other, they're pretty much just quiet. Such a strange, but exciting thing :)
I'm so glad I come across this post! I had the same questions! I've noticed that the chicks we have hatched recently are so quiet and almost peaceful compared to the feed store chicks I've received in the past. Except for when they have picked at each other, they're pretty much just quiet. Such a strange, but exciting thing :)

I moved mine to a sunnier location in the house which helped them liven up a little but they are still incredibly quiet. I am a little relieved that they are eating and drinking now. Once I got over the anxiety that they are TOO quiet, I have started to enjoy watching them come over the edge of the MHP and peek out to see if anyone is looking at them. If they spot me, they scurry back under the MHP. I can't help but find it humorous.... I guess I'm easily amused. :)
In my experience they sleep most of the first day after hatching. After that they take little explorations outside, when they do this is when you should introduce the water and feed to them. Quiet chicks are happy chicks, usually!
I’m experiencing the same thing with my first use of a brooder plate instead of a red lamp! I hatched 8 chicks yesterday and they’ve been hidden and almost silent under their brooder plate; they’ve been under it exclusively now for 12+ hours. When I peek, they’re sprawled out sleeping but quick to be alert. Not drinking, very mildly interested in food. They’re much more interested in my hand as I “peck” at the food.

Thanks for posting! I, too, was beginning to worry about the little fluff butts acting differently than other day old chicks I’ve raised.

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