What to feed baby call ducks!!

I was thinking the same thing. We must have read the same article in Backyard Poultry magazine.
As long as Amprolium is the only medication it is fine for ducklings. Amprolium, a cocci preventative, is the only "medication" in Purina Start & Grow. I've raised lots of call ducklings on it and they do very well on it.
just to be safe you can buy game bird starter/turkey starter...i don't use med w/ ducklings. Did you put it out on the paper towel floor? They started eating right away when i did that...
No They are on a towel. The one is going to die though it won't pick up it's head. But the other one runs around like a nut. I guess 1 out of 6 for a first time hatch of any eggs is good. I feel bad the one is going to be alone.
You're going to feel worse when it chooses you as it's mother! I hatched one duckling a long time ago and it went nuts if it couldn't be with me every second. I thought I could put it in a place with food, water and a little pool of water and it would be happy. WRONG. Just preparing you for what is to be. Maybe you could locate another duckling or two near you for company? I'm sorry about the one. Poor thing.
I have 14 due on the 25. I am going to put him in with my chicks until then they are only 2 days older. He already thinks I am mom even when the other one was around it will see me and freak and want me to hold him. It is sweet, but sad.
you can give some sugar water to the one whos down...then make a slurry and feed him w/ a syringe...once he has the strength he might eat on his own...
please live little guy!!!
It unfortunately died, it was just not meant to be I guess. Little Scooter was lonely so I moved him in with my chicks and he is doing great. He loves the new purina food!!!

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