What to feed chickens during Pesach (Passover)

Never knew that! Very interesting. I feel like kalmbachs henhouse chicken feed might be an option? I don’t know right off the top of my head but I thinks it’s supposed to be a feed that’s ingredients are pretty much raw, besides being dried. I’m going to see if I can find the ingredients list .

Corn, Soybean Meal, Roasted Soybeans, Oats, Wheat, Barley, Milo, Peas, Lentils, Sunflower Seeds, Wheat Middlings, Alfalfa Meal, Calcium Carbonate, Oyster Shells, Grit, Dried Whey, Dried Mealworms, Cane Molasses, and about a gazillion supplements...

Corn, Soybean Meal, Roasted Soybeans, Oats, Wheat, Barley, Milo, Peas, Lentils, Sunflower Seeds, Wheat Middlings, Alfalfa Meal, Calcium Carbonate, Oyster Shells, Grit, Dried Whey, Dried Mealworms, Cane Molasses, and about a gazillion supplements...

Problem here is the Soybean is bad for both Man and Animals they dont eat it in the wild for sure. O sure dont want it or recommend it in my or anyone else's food chain.
I feed my chickens straight mixed grain feed including the 5 grains which in of themselves is not considered Chametz unless they are wet for more than 18 mins so I set my feeders up for a weeks worth of feed using gravity feeders. The concern of eggs laid during this period can be dealth with by the fact that the 5 grains that create chametz is solved by having it mixed with enough other seeds that its on a part of the mix and if its a lessor part even better.
Chag Matsot Sameach!
Wondering what observant chicken keepers are doing this year-grubs certainly make putting together a diet with the right amount of protein easier. For me the idea of buying giant bags of corn, peas, fish meal I don't need seems wasteful. I might give chicks lots of leftovers and even some of the food we feed our dogs .
Question ❓
Something just hit me are wine and beer allowed? Aren't they made with yeast? I would feed back their eggs, some meat and veggies.
Do they eat matzahs crackers?
There are several articles that are not strictly "bread" but are produced with one of the five grains. Beer is one of them, therefore it is not allowed. Most processed food products also contain some sort of chametz or seor, which is why it's easier to just look for products that are Kosher lePesach.
Wine is bought kosher le pesach because it is par-boiled to avoid any wild yeast.
Matza tends to be too dry and I'd be concerned with constipation for anyone (both animals and people), I'm truth it is why the Sages only recommend that we eat Matza during the first two days outside of Israel and not more.
Nothing inherently wrong with soybean meal. BILLIONS of animals have been fed soybean meal successfully over the past years.
and humans too! Plenty of cultures with high soy consumption and limited animal proteins (though the numbers are likely a few hundreds of millions over the centuries, rather than billions) - why there was even a time in my life when the benefits of a high soy diet were touted as one of the ways to increased longevity...

At least here on BYC, soy tends to get a bad rap from the same people whose demonstrated knowledge regarding the feeding of chickens makes me question the basis for their expertise regarding soy, generally. As with all generalizations, there are individual exceptions of course.

and early 2020, if your news feed wasn't dominated by either politics or COVID, or COVID politics, fermented soy was trending positive as a healthy diet component. (I watch a lot of cooking shows, or did, till I moved to an area with no cable, and barely any internet). My sense is that "fermented" remained a buzz word, but perhaps soy did not?

and, in the interest of full disclosure, I don't personally eat a lot of soy. Not for health reasons, but because growing up, I ate a lot of rehydrated, previously dehydrated, pastuerized, processed, chopped, reformed, artifically flavored soy protein in various lightweight meals designed for backpacking. It doesn't have the best memories associated with it, honestly.

as the CA Teacher's Study continues to be sliced and diced, I suspect we will learn a bit more that challenges widely held cultural beliefs re: a host of dietary choices.
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