What to feed when not free ranging?


6 Years
Sep 3, 2017
We decided to stop free ranging, mainly because of predators. What do I feed them beyond their standard feed and grit since now they are locked up all the time (though we may start giving them an hour or so of supervised ranging). We have just three birds. Is feed and grit enough with the occasional head of lettuce or other green?
If they are layers, you'll want to make sure that they are getting sufficient calcium. Most folks use free-choice crushed oyster shells.

I give my chickens mealworms I raise, which they love and it provides a lot of protein.
What do I feed them beyond their standard feed and grit since now they are locked up all the time (though we may start giving them an hour or so of supervised ranging). We have just three birds. Is feed and grit enough with the occasional head of lettuce or other green?

Yes, it's enough--even without the occasional lettuce or greens.

Of course, it's also fine to toss garden weeds to them, build a compost pile in their run, and so forth. But not required.
Fresh chicken feed is all they need with Oyster Shells and Poultry Grit if you give treats.
With only 3 chickens I would buy feed in 25 lb bags or smaller and one bag at a time.

My chickens only free range an hour before sunset daily, weather permitting.
I don't give them greens, bugs or kitchen scraps.
No kitchen scraps here, most of the veggies I buy are frozen and ready to cook, except potatoes. If I had kitchen scraps they would get them.
I do give them any fruit past prime but not rotten or moldy. Grapes and apples mostly.

I do give them Scratch Grains daily as a treat scattered in their pen. I mix in a 7 lb bag of Cardinal mix or equivalent to a 25 lb bag.

During the warm months I give them a wet mash made with their regular feed early afternoon. 20200618_134804_resized.jpg . They have dry feed available all day.
I also have separate containers of Oyster Shells and Poultry Grit 'Granite' available.

Just their feed, grit and oyster shell is all that's "needed." But of course they'll appreciate the occasional treat. Mine get a small amount of BSFL or BOSS each day to lure them into the run after supervised outside time, as well as veggie trimmings from my garden or from dinner prep, if I happen to have some. Once blackberry season starts they'll be getting berries by the bucket.

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