What to get?


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
I have plenty of space(couple of acres) and an un-used shed, but now I dont know what to get.
I'm leaning towords 2 sheep or 2 goats,but I dont know for sure what I want.
What does everyone reccomend?
Goats. I used to help my friend with her sheep and they are about the dumbest things alive.
The only thing that comes close is a hamster but at least our hamsters were always friendly. I think goats make much better pets or you can raise them for milk, meat, cart pulling... and goat kids are much cuter than lambs anyway.
I'm looking about getting some more chickens too.

We cant have pigs according to the lease. We can have anything else.

I bottledfed a lamb and loved her to death,but I was raising her for my neighbor who does sheep, so I had to give her back.

We had goats years and years ago,but none were very friendly,but that might be die to where we got them from.

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