What to have in chicken first aid kit?


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2015
I have just started raising my own chickens (Oreo, nugget and Mayo). I've just realised that I have not got anything if any of my chickens suddenly fall ill. Also just wondering whether anyone has used paracetamol on chickens for pain relief or ibuprofen? I just need an idea as of what type of things I will need in the kit if any of them fall ill.
Lachie :p
Do not use paracetamol or ibuprofen for animals in general (it's poison), only use plain aspirin.

Corid for coccidiosis, Valbazen for worms, Amoxicillan for infections. Those are my main meds and if I suspect something is seriously wrong with the flock, like a bad worm problem, I will likely use all three simultaneously because once their systems are weakened by one thing the other problems can escalate (worms and cocci are pretty much always there). Plus, if I have to throw the eggs out anyways, I want to get them wormed and cleared up all at once, so I don't have to treat them again later.
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so glad you have joined us.

IMO we should all keep a chicken first aid bag ready for injuries.

Here's my list to be prepared for minor injuries:

Gauze or cotton balls
Hydrogen peroxide
Styptic powder
Blu-kote spray
Self cling veterinarian bandaging tape
Old clean towel
Water based lubricant and latex or vinyl gloves

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