What to plant in the chicken run??

If you have a garden and have extra or not good to eat pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, or zucchini you could throw it in the run with them for a little treat that they love to eat, and if the don't get it all it will grow and they can eat the plants too.
I just looked comfrey up, and everything I read states that it causes liver damage to people and livestock if ingested... great poultice for wounds, not good to eat...

It's open to debate. There are many articles about chickens eating and loving it as well. I have a friend that gives comfrey leaves to her chickens as treats. I have comfrey and I plan to let my chickens have "some" of it.
It's open to debate. There are many articles about chickens eating and loving it as well. I have a friend that gives comfrey leaves to her chickens as treats. I have comfrey and I plan to let my chickens have "some" of it.
Very interesting! I guess ill have to look into it more, I liked the look of them, and the fact that they grow just about anywhere.
Just from what I know about Comfrey I was wondering the same thing. Still, thank you all for the suggestions! Keep them coming if anyone stumbles upon this thread. I have a few months ;)

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