What to use on floor in newly roofed chicken run

My 6x14 roofed opened armored run/coop is dirt floor. i use TSC large pine flake. I have to muck it out every three or four months or if it get to wet. Now the 10x30 outside run gets deep litter. wood chips from a tree service, brown and green yard clipping, straw leaves and even the mucked out inside run stuff. The covered runs floor looks and acts like dry pine litter. outside run looks and acts like rich black dirt that drains well as its got a lot of wood chips and mulch in it.
A floor with dry fluff, a floor that's dark moist bio generator of dirt.
ohh yea, no smell, no flies as long as you do minimal monthly care.

I am just in the process of putting a roof on my chicken run after it keeps turning into a mud bath. Its about 12foot long and 8foot wide.

Once the roof is up i am going to leave it for a bit to dry out as it is so muddy.

I am just wondering what people use on the floor in a roofed chicken run? Do i just leave it as mud? Do i put wood chippings or will they start smelling? Sawdust?

Any ideas from experience would be great.

I use sand and love it.

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