What treat did your chickies get today?

Interesting I broke out the Roast Beef today and no only did I have one on my knee for the first time she even climb onto my shoulder and roosted on my arm. Now if I can only get her to do it out of love of me instead of Roast Beef scraps.
Won't get on my knee for cracked corn.
My 7 week old silkies got a little bit of fresh bread and some grapes which i cut up.... its the first time that they have gotten bread from me.... I just gave it to them , i hope they like it...
They got squash seeds and pulp and potato peelings! HONEYCRISP apple cores too
Oh and I think they're getting into Grampie's apple pile for the deer...but that's our little secret
They get literally free range of the yard, so they get what they want. Even mine and Nanna's grape vines....
Left over rice (boy do they ever love THAT!), grapes, left over cooked carrots (it was offered any way... I've never seen a stink eye over food before), 1/4 of a cantaloupe, and a handful of mealworms after they followed me into the kitchen.

Silly birds!
Poor girls didn't get any. I am out of town for work and hubby doesn't give them treats. He told me he only got 2 eggs today...told him was because he wasn't giving them treats! Ill be home tomorrow night hopefully before they go to bed so they can get some treats. Spoiled chickens!
Also want to add: I've found the cheapest way to keep my birds in fruit & veggi treats is to raid the reduced produce cart at the grocery store. Last week I got 2 cantaloupes, 2 pints of cherry tomatoes, 2 mangoes, and 2lbs of grapes for $5.00.

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