What treat did your chickies get today?

Ours got an acorn squash that was starting to go bad (I cut off the gross part) and some grass. They liked the grass better. DH also threw them some shelled corn when he was grinding feed for the hogs.
I have almost 4 week olds and tried them on some plain yogurt, they shook their heads and wanted no part of it. I will try again though as I'm told sometimes it takes a few attempts. However, the quinoa pasta noodles...oh em gee...that was awesomely hilarious to watch them chase each other around for those. They LOVED them!!!
Well one of my hens got her own treat this morning a baby mouse, she had alot of attention while she was trying to get away and enjoy her morsel.
last week wifey cooked up some wild dover sole (flat kind of fish) fillets from costco (ended up getting a refund)... made a big batch... then decided not to eat because it was too "fishy" tasting... fish tasting like fish... how odd... anyways... i breaded up the fillets with chicken mash and my 5 20- week-old pullets ate all 3lbs of it.... this week wifey tried some fresh salmon belly...cooked it up once again and said this was too fishy... again hating food going to waste i gave it to the chickens... i rationed out the salmon and incorporated with their normal feed and stretched it out to like 2 days... after all that good fish meat all their combs and faces are much redder (before it was pale pink or pinkish)...they have been on layer mash for 2 weeks now but now look more healthy... not sure if its the fish or because it close to laying time... but they do love their proteins.. oh well...
sometimes i do feel they eat better than me
HAHAHAHAHAH fish tasting like fish is an oddity

sometimes if its overly powerfully fishie i dont like it!! YUCK

maybe i need to give mine some fish oil LOL im lucky if i get one egg every other week our of 37 chickens i got so upset with them i culled 8 yearlings UHGG!!

ANYWAYS my hens got overly sized zuccinee that i had forgotten to pick haha its to woody for me so they can munch on it
also pumpkin skins and squash skin and mango skins:)
i keep a bucket on my counter and fill it up with things i cut or trim off i dont have a compost pile anymore sooooo... extra treats for chickies and goats !!!
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