What treat did your chickies get today?

What's the recipe?
This is the one I used: http://www.onehundreddollarsamonth.com/diy-homemade-flock-blocks-for-chickens/. Pretty easy, and easy to modify with whatever dry stuff you have on hand. I left out the oyster shells (because I didn't feel like walking out to the garage to get it) and the spices. I did grease the sides of the baking dish with cooking spray, just to make sure it didn't stick. It came out really easily once it was completely cooled. A half-recipe nicely filled an 8x6x2 casserole dish I have, and that block easily fit into the square squirrel feeder I have, which I hung inside their coop. They've been pecking at it almost constantly since I put it in, so it must be good. I should probably take it out for a while so they eat more of their normal feed!
This is the one I used: http://www.onehundreddollarsamonth.com/diy-homemade-flock-blocks-for-chickens/. Pretty easy, and easy to modify with whatever dry stuff you have on hand. I left out the oyster shells (because I didn't feel like walking out to the garage to get it) and the spices. I did grease the sides of the baking dish with cooking spray, just to make sure it didn't stick. It came out really easily once it was completely cooled. A half-recipe nicely filled an 8x6x2 casserole dish I have, and that block easily fit into the square squirrel feeder I have, which I hung inside their coop. They've been pecking at it almost constantly since I put it in, so it must be good. I should probably take it out for a while so they eat more of their normal feed!

Looks like a good one to try! Now, if I can just get motivated...
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Be it huge or quiet, I hope your Christmas Day is everything you want it to be and more

[PS. It is 06:00AM Christmas Morning in Aus]

Today, for Christmas the girls will be getting a vol-au-vent each filled with yogurt and topped off with live meal worms.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Be it huge or quiet, I hope your Christmas Day is everything you want it to be and more

[PS. It is 06:00AM Christmas Morning in Aus]

Today, for Christmas the girls will be getting a vol-au-vent each filled with yogurt and topped off with live meal worms.

Merry Christmas Teila!!
Here's hoping your day is beautiful and bright.

Sorry, I'm just a backwoods country girl, so I had to look up what a vol-au-vent was. Looks yummy! (Except for the live worms

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