What treat did your chickies get today?

Grandmas are the best cooks! Of course, my Aunt Carrie was the one who lived in the country and made the best homemade chicken and dumplings you ever ate! Now, we're in the country trying to remember how to do the things they were raised doing.

As for the chickens, the had spinach and cucumber today. I love hearing our roo call the girls over for a treat.
My cockerel is still young, but he tries to be soooo charming. He even calls when there is no treat. I was watching one day and he had a little stick, trying to convince ANYONE he has something special. He's hilarious.
@jimbob86 He honestly does not believe you can eat an egg from a Chicken. It has to be from the carton you buy in the store.

Errr...I am usually flabbergasted when I talk to my family.

Yes, my poor cockerel is a Fraudster for sure! I do enjoy watching him and the girls. I'm learning.
I'm afraid you are right. The "old ways" are being lost. I grow most of our veggies and can or freeze them. I have some family members who think this is ridiculous in this day and age! "It's a waste of time and effort. After all if you want canned veggies, there are plenty at the store.  My nephews honestly still do not believe you can eat the eggs my girls lay. You can only eat the ones that come from the store. :rolleyes:

That's so funny
If you show them a video of what kind of life commercial egg layers live they might change their mind.
A suet feeder of apple, cabbage, lettuce, and cucumber. In the afternoon a couple of unsalted peanuts. And their cold evening just before bed snack of mealworms, sunflower seeds, and cracked corn.

Making oatmeal right now for them, which I fortify with flax, probiotics, and ground kelp. It's snowing ... their first snowfall.
I'm afraid you are right. The "old ways" are being lost. I grow most of our veggies and can or freeze them. I have some family members who think this is ridiculous in this day and age! "It's a waste of time and effort. After all if you want canned veggies, there are plenty at the store. My nephews honestly still do not believe you can eat the eggs my girls lay. You can only eat the ones that come from the store.
I still know how to clean squirrels and rabbits or cleaning and skinning fish from my dad but he never butchered the farm animals but i would love to know how. From mom i still know how to can and freeze fruits and veggies. Both of them sewed and quilted and dad thought me how to mechanic and build.

The funny thing is now that my mom is older she refuses to eat any eggs except one store bought brand. She says my eggs are not fit to eat because I give them some food scraps and they have a huge run to free range in and they get to eat bugs LOL

She says chickens shouldn't be as spoiled and bratty as the dogs its not natural. sigh

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