What treat did your chickies get today?

My girls are 16 weeks this weekend! They won't eat worms any more, so why I still have the 3 logs in the run I guess is for seating! :) for me and them!
Today they got some baby cabbage and baby Swiss chard leaves, a handful of raisins, watermelon and of course, meal worms. I generally only give them yogurt every other day, alt w/protein from scrambled egg the other days. They still don't like strawberries. Oh, well. More for me!
more watermelon rinds, frozen plain nonfat greek yogurt mixed with scratch grain and their all flock pellets. Here they are enjoying it:

They are still caked in yogurt today!
Figs and carrots. Yogurt this evening. Gave them chicken for the first time yesterday evening. Thy devoured it.
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Thank you, cause I didn't know what it was either. My girls love grapes!!! They are also very fond of black cherry yogurt. They would sling it and end up eating it off each other!!! Crazy girls. Oh, I have one Buff Orp that eats feathers! Will this hurt her? She eats every feather she finds in the coop. Thanks.
Oh, I have one Buff Orp that eats feathers!  Will this hurt her?  She eats every feather she finds in the coop.  Thanks.

A blockage might be possible if she gets too many at once, but a few here and there should pass. You may want to single her out for special treats, just in case there's a reason she's eating the feathers. Some extra protein and maybe a vitamin supplement?
Thank you, cause I didn't know what it was either. My girls love grapes!!! They are also very fond of black cherry yogurt. They would sling it and end up eating it off each other!!! Crazy girls. Oh, I have one Buff Orp that eats feathers! Will this hurt her? She eats every feather she finds in the coop. Thanks.

Quote: @Jensownzoo has given you some good advice. Feather eating can be due to lack of protein or it could be a bad habit, but regardless, offering extra protein won't hurt. Hard boiled egg, tuna, salmon, mackerel or meat can be offered or you can find commercial feeds that have higher protein content if that's more your style.

Today the girls and Charlie got Japanese Beetles, kale, mustard greens, weeds and cantaloupe.

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