What treat did your chickies get today?

tomatoes and horn worms, underripe watermelon, over ripe squash. They also had brown rice and pinto beans heavily seasoned with cayenne as a gape worm control.
Yesterday I gave them the cantelope and watermelon skins with generous amounts of fruit on them.Oh and some corn on the cob too.Today maybe a can of mackrel fish.
We give our ladies and not such a gentleman right now different leftovers,bread that is a little stle or special treats from the store but they REALLY love watermelon!!
Has anyone fed their chickens liver? I am sure I read somewhere that someone did and they loved it. If so, do you cook it? Give it to them raw? What do you think?
I give mine beef heart for more protein. Raw but cut up because they will all fight over a big piece. I have thought about liver, but as I would have to get it from a grocery store, I have wondered about the toxins in commercial liver, as it is the liver that filters out the bad stuff. I would feed liver if I could get deer or other noncommercial liver. I think they would love it!!!They love the heart!!
Typical days treats for my chickens



Today was yellow squash, peaches and green beans!!! We have a local farmer's market that puts their 'not fit for sale' veggies behind the stand for anybody to pick up. So, once a month I take a 5 gallon bucket over there, pick through their discards and prepare freezer bags of snacks for my girls. We thaw a bag or two each week and give them snacks daily. We supplement with dried meal worms, suet peanut nuggets, and a fruit and nut mix. As soon as you open the coop each morning, all 7 girls quick march down to "snack rock" where we put their daily treats.
Yesterday it was the really thick "mother" from my last batch of apple cider vinegar. I cut it into sugar cube size pieces and they loved it! They didn't get all of it, there's another gallon started.

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