What treat did your chickies get today?

My birdies got two heads of broccoli (the geese tore right into it- missing their greens already!), and a quarter bag of old potato chips. Not the grandest Christmas breakfast....I cleaned the fridge out recently though, and they feasted that day!

Merry Christmas, all! :)
Corn bread, cantaloupe, and a new favorite, shrimp.
Seriously, I didn't know what they would do with Shrimp, but after they pecked at it a few times, they went crazy for it! They were fighting for it and everything. I'll have to see how they feel about lobster or crab! :)
Corn bread, cantaloupe, and a new favorite, shrimp.
Seriously, I didn't know what they would do with Shrimp, but after they pecked at it a few times, they went crazy for it! They were fighting for it and everything. I'll have to see how they feel about lobster or crab!
Can I be one of your birds?!? - LOL
Mine got leftover green beans and dinner rolls today. It was their first time having green beans, so they didn't know what to think. They were all over the bread as soon as I put it in the coop. They go nuts for bread.
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