What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine had cornbread, crisco bisquits, turnip greens w/ turnips, spinich, italian butter cream cake crumbs with pecans and coconut,and mac n' cheese! They loved the cake!
A scoop of cracked corn, a scoop of black oil sunflower seeds, left over pasta, 2 everything bagels and about a dozen crushed up egg shells. They danced around and gulped it all down even with the crappy weather we are having here.
A whole pumpkin, cut up apples, and oranges, scratch... They're not paying to much attention to the apples, and oranges.

Today I gave boiled up sweet potatoes- cauliflower and red cabbage and a bowl full of homemade kefir with muesli and pommegranate. They really love theid daily kefir. Now they are free and hanging around to the garden to pick up their proteins. Have a nice day everybody..

Today I gave boiled up sweet potatoes- cauliflower and red cabbage and a bowl full of homemade kefir with muesli and pommegranate. They really love theid daily kefir. Now they are free and hanging around to the garden to pick up their proteins. Have a nice day everybody..
Wow, they get royal treatment!!

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