What treat did your chickies get today?

Granola and blueberries this morning. Then they invaded my veggie garden and ate way too many cucumbers and tomatoes.
Left over: Cake, rice, apples, bran, porridge, silverbeet & vege scraps.

(They had a big feast
Mine are picky. Doesn't surprise me. I have picky dogs, picky cows, picky child.... Geez!!! Lol Anyway, my chickens love mealworms. I haven't had much luck getting them to eat any other treats. They only liked one brand of starter too. Brats!!!
Mine got some mealworms and half a plum that I dropped when my self blue cochin jumped into my arms to get it. He wasn't happy that I dropped it either especially since I caught him. He got extra meal worms I had in a little bag anyways.
Egg shells and oatmeal with apples. Again, they were not interested. They only want grass and bugs lol
I had to feed mine bits by hand before they became interested. I put 1/2 a head of cabbage out for them 3 days ago and today is the first time they have touched it. It takes time but they will figure it out. Not sure where you are so will assume that grass and bugs will dissipate as winter approaches.
My four three day old Barred Rocks seem to like foraging for a short time already. They are being fed chick starter which is being consumed with unbelievable speed. Is it too early to put out a couple of ripe grape tomatoes for them to try? I'm such a mother hen!!!
Today I mixed their powdered mash with applesauce. They ate it right up. But really like it when I scrap the bowl with a plastic spoon. Must of thought it was almost gone. They really liked eating off the spoon. Also had a leftover cooked corn on cob this morning for the first time. They attached it. They are soooo spoiled but I like to call it well loved!

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