What treat did your chickies get today?

Nothing special today
couldn't get out there due to the rain! Hopefully in the morning I can bring them some treats! Apples, banana, cucumber, and of course their favorite.. Bunny bread
My Marans, who may never have gotten treats before I adopted them, LOVE tomatoes and bread. They will turn their nose up at snails, though. However, they did catch a tree frog and played chicken rugby with it for a while. I am proud of them for being adventurous, but I couldn't watch.
I had read that most chickens wouldn't eat slugs unless you started them out on them at a very young age and cut them into little pieces for them - yuck.
I saw this huge slug the other day crawling along the side of our house and thought - hmmmm - I wonder. Well, nothing ventured nothing gained sooooooo....I went and grabbed my handy dandy slug snatching device (old bamboo tongs from my kitchen) and a plastic cup. I snatched him up and another one I found on the other side of the house and took them out to the coop. Before I could even get one completely out of the cup they were snatching that slug out of the tongs and running away. I think I now know a perfect way to get rid of my slug population without poison and give my chickens a treat at the same time. Muhahahahaha! Just call me the Slug Snatcher!
My hens got a cantaloupe the market was selling for 99 cents because it was older - and perfect inside! Perfect for this hot, hot day! The ducks got a huge spaghetti lunch from a couple days ago!

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