What treat did your chickies get today?

The Danegeld of the day today was mealworms. Yesterday it was scratch.

I shamelessly admit that from time to time I bribe the Dominiques not to climb all over me while I am working in the coop. There was that day when my husband came out back with a visitor I was unaware of and the first thing out of my mouth when I heard him call me was "Honey, do I have chicken s*** on my face, or is it just on my glasses."

Poor visitor hasn't been back. But now I pass out the Danegeld when they start climbing on my head and shoulders. The Black Star gets some too, although she prefers to ride around on wrists, not heads.
My 4 girls get some nice treats daily.

In the winter they get oatmeal and rolled oats to keep them warm.

Every 2 to 3 days I buy them a large mixed salad bowl from the local supermarket which they devour in no time. (They leave the tomatoes) Weird!
silly Scottish Chickens!

I have a sack of meal worms which they get a handful about every 2nd day and I also give "BOSS" as you call it in the USA every alternative day from meal worms.

Once a week I give them Greek style natural yoghurt with 0% fat for their digestive system. They don't like it much so I throw in some meal worms to make it tasty for them.

Mixed corn is a daily event for them too.
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My 4 girls get some nice treats daily.

In the winter they get oatmeal and rolled oats to keep them warm.

Every 2 to 3 days I buy them a large mixed salad bowl from the local supermarket which they devour in no time. (They leave the tomatoes) Weird!
silly Scottish Chickens!

I have a sack of meal worms which they get a handful about every 2nd day and I also give "BOSS" as you call it in the USA every alternative day from meal worms.

Once a week I give them Greek style natural yoghurt with 0% fat for their digestive system. They don't like it much so I throw in some meal worms to make it tasty for them.

Mixed corn is a daily event for them too.
I don't know why they would leave the tomatoes... maybe because they're store bought. Our girls, if they had their way, would shred my garden of all tomatoes, spoiled, ripe, green or whatever... I would try to cut them in halves, see what happens.

Why the 0% fat? The girls would love the fat for energy and warmth. Heck, my wife won't eat the Greek yogurt...

I try not to give treats everyday, because mine tend to forget to eat the lay pellets and I think they have slowed egg production since I started clearing out the Thanksgiving leftovers...
Too many treats will spoil them. They look at you with hungry eyes! I gave my 11 girls bok choy in a small suet cage so they could work away at it. They loved it.
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I have a hen that if given too many treats in one day will lay two eggs that day. And many times one of them is shell-less. I read on a website that over fed hens can produce two yolks in one day, which is not good for them. So go easy on the treats. :)
I have a hen that if given too many treats in one day will lay two eggs that day. And many times one of them is shell-less. I read on a website that over fed hens can produce two yolks in one day, which is not good for them. So go easy on the treats. :)
Ditto that, in addition, mine don't get treats if they don't give in return.... Treats work both ways... give an egg, get a treat... if only I can teach them to read the contract...

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