What treat did your chickies get today?

Hot oatmeal with cinnamon and apples and peanut butter at 530am

Scratch and kale at 3pm

Heading down to 11' again tonight. Chickens are out of the wind so they are fine, but i like loading them up with food before they roost.
Dumped a bunch of pine needles in the run yesterday, they love it ~ will scratch for hours stirring it up look for pine seeds and bugs.
This morning, I threw their cracked corn and a small bit of BOSS in the needles, the goodies sort of disappear in there, so this kept them busy scratching for several hours again. Hubby just had to take them apple and oatmeal this evening
Due to the continual bad weather here for the last 2 months my lot get 2 hot feds a day of crushed oats n Barley, fresh veg (there stuck inside the stables due to the wet) then added extra's of grated carrots, sweet corn n peas, chopped apple, corn pasta or rice. They also get some meat or fish in that mix at least twice a week. Seems a lot but its shared amongst 55 birds in there normal twice daily oat n barley ration. The youngsters also get some meal worms about once a month until the bucketful runs out.
Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Thanks! I was wondering the same thing.Mine get kale, carrots, beans, broccoli, tomato, meal worms, yogurt, dandylion leaves, collard greens, scratch with extra BOSS (I feel so chickeny) as well as a wheelbarrow full of whatever I find in the yard and pasture. plus laying pellets and starter feed for the young ones. My daughter loves to get them earth worms and then watch. She calls this "chicken hunger games". About once a week they also get a head of cabbage.
Yesterday they got leftover chicken and green beans in the morning. In the evening they got their usual cracked corn, mealworms, sunflower seeds, and a little suet. It's cold here at night!!

This morning I'll give them oatmeal with walnuts and raisins, fortified with a little probiotic powder and flax seed.

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