What treat did your chickies get today?

Not today, but tomorrow they are getting some oats that the buggies got into.
but they love oats, mixed with calf manna.
This is what my chick-babies (3 weeks) looked like today when they tried cut up red seedless grapes for the first time. I tried a few Cheerios this AM, but received VERY suspicious looks & a few jabs. I thought they would have fun with them...not really. Oh well, I'll try some whole grapes tomorrow & see what they do.

The baby we think is a rooster (red comb & waddles appearing) didn't pick the grapes from my hand, but instead chased the others around who had them in an attempt to steal them away. Chick psychologist are welcome to try & figure that one out.
Straw to keep their feet up out of the mud
I just put the untied bail in and they went to town spreding it through out the run in about 15 min. Then they proceeded to find all if the little bugs hiding in the straw till it was time for bed:) They thought they were in heaven.
I've only had my chickens for 1 month and so far I have tried to give them: watermelon, corn on the cob, apples, lettuce, even blackberries...they don't touch any of it. I pull some grass from my yard, and they are all over it... Weirdo chickens
So, today I let them free range in my yard for a while. They enjoyed pecking at the grass looking for bugs...then after about only 30 minutes they all happily went back into their coop on their own. They are only 4 months old...hoping they'll like table scraps one day:)


Well one of them bit the crap out of my toe today so she got a smack in the head, The rest, got fresh pumpkins. (yes pecker got fresh pumpkins too!)
I gave them plain Greek yogurt. Had to count my fingers when I pulled my hand away - they went nuts over it! Yogurt was flying everywhere! The Silkies and the Speckled Sussex looked like they bathed in it! Holy Moly, they REALLY loved that treat! It was a feeding frenzy!!! Chickens are so entertaining!
Mine got rice mixed with corn a and cottage cheese with pineapple on their plate lol. It was all gone in a few minutes they love that combination. I have 4 hybrids, buff orpington, Muran, and 2 I cant remember the mix lol. They are now about 20 weeks old and quite large and eat like pigs lol I think they might lay soon as they are constantly looking for food. They are funny though and keep me and hubby amused. Oh their very favorite food is grapes we have loads growing in our garden so at the moment they are in seventh heaven for their grape fix.
Yesterday I gave girls a can of spinach! They love fresh so I figured why not. I rinsed it twice real well and drained it. At first they looked at it like "What the heck is this?" Once one brave & curious girl sampled it they were all over it lickety-split!!

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