What treat did your chickies get today?

I gave my flock some leftover spagehtti. they loved it. It had noodles, tomatoes, onions and ground beef.
Rain was their treat today. We haven't had a really good rain since this spring. All the bugs, frogs and misc. creatures came out to be eaten. I even let the ducks out today to free range so they could take advantage of the rain.
A rat snake that I found in the fountain on my deck. With a shovel, I cut the egg-and-chick-eater into pieces and fed it to the girls. Sweet revenge!
My ladies got...scratch for the first time. They were unsure of it at first
but after a few pecks they were all about it. Did not take them
long to realize that it was tasty.

Then for breakfast they got leftover homemade blueberry oatmeal.

I don't use my garbage disposal much since I have chickens.

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