What treat did your chickies get today?

Warm oatmeal with wheat germ, crushed eggs shells and cut up grapes, oh and a bunch of poppy seeds that fell off a bagel. The girls love that oatmeal mixed with whatever is on hand.
Worked on cleaning out the garden for the winter, so the squashes and watermelons that had sat too long for people to eat went to the chickies today. My eight week old Barnevelders still don't quite have it down that these things are yummy, the older BCM's in the other pen go to town and soon there's nothing but rind left!
Yes, they just love hard-boiled eggs. I just toss them in and they attack them!
It seems like they prefer the yolk to the white, but they eat it all eventually.

Here's a really weird one. My Chicken Guru (a gentleman with over forty years
of experience raising and breeding chickens) told me that his mentor used to
feed his chickens canned dog food. So I bought a few cans of different kinds and
conducted a little taste test this weekend. So far, the all-natural stew variety is
leading the pack. The chunky meat bites in gravy from a major brand did not
fare as well.
The girls love a warm bowl of oatmeal with raisins. But I just read that raisins can be toxic to puppies. So can grapes. He's still pretty spunky, though. Live and learn, I suppose.
The rest of my bran muffin with cream cheese, dinosaur kale and a spartan apple.
I would like to give them some mealworms so am searching around for those.
Just scratch with oyster shell mixed in.

Coop cleaning day and dang it no shavings at the farm store I had to settle for ones from another store. Icky size and not so fresh smelling either.

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