what type chicks will i get if i cross this chicken please if u got pics post it please

Depends on whether the white gene is dominant or not, etc... Nobody can say for sure without knowing the most recent ancestors of both those birds for a good few generations. What breeds are they supposed to be?

You'll just have to breed them to know. Which is half the fun. :D

Best wishes.
Depends on whether the white gene is dominant or not, etc... Nobody can say for sure without knowing the most recent ancestors of both those birds for a good few generations. What breeds are they supposed to be?

You'll just have to breed them to know. Which is half the fun. :D

Best wishes.

Since you appear to be breeding a mixed breed (the hen) to the rooster (what looks like a pure White Rock), you'll end up with mixes of mixes. It's hard to tell what they'll look like.
yeah i got a pure white rock and a old english hen am make them breed to see what type of chicks i will get :) thanks guys
Depends on whether the white gene is dominant or not, etc... Nobody can say for sure without knowing the most recent ancestors of both those birds for a good few generations. What breeds are they supposed to be?

You'll just have to breed them to know. Which is half the fun. :D

Best wishes.

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