What type of Americaunna is this?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 27, 2014
Merrill, WI
I have been searching online and can not find a picture of any like her. I ordered her from a hatchery and it did not give specifics on what type of americaunna she actually is. Does anyone know?
Not a good photo to see anything by. Which hatchery? 99% of them do not sell Ameraucanas, only Easter Eggers. Recently, Meyer began selling blue Ameraucanas and I think the dropshipper MyPetChicken has a source for blue Ameraucanas. Was it one of those?

You added a photo! Now I see she's an Easter Egger. There is no set color variety you can lay claim to on this one. Easter Eggers come in all sorts of mixed up colors, which is the fun of them.
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Not a good photo to see anything by. Which hatchery? 99% of them do not sell Ameraucanas, only Easter Eggers. Recently, Meyer began selling blue Ameraucanas and I think the dropshipper MyPetChicken has a source for blue Ameraucanas. Was it one of those?

You added a photo! Now I see she's an Easter Egger. There is no set color variety you can lay claim to on this one. Easter Eggers come in all sorts of mixed up colors, which is the fun of them.
I got her from Chickensforbackyards.com. She was listed as an americaunna. Her markings as a hatchling look very similar to other Americaunna hatchlings I've seen. I have three slammer americaunnas and they look just like she did at that size, but they are different colors (buff, black, and brown-red). She hasn't started laying yet, so I'm not sure what colors her eggs will be.
I got her from Chickensforbackyards.com. She was listed as an americaunna. Her markings as a hatchling look very similar to other Americaunna hatchlings I've seen. I have three slammer americaunnas and they look just like she did at that size, but they are different colors (buff, black, and brown-red). She hasn't started laying yet, so I'm not sure what colors her eggs will be.

The hatchery is located in Missouri. I'm not sure if that helps.
I got her from Chickensforbackyards.com. She was listed as an americaunna. Her markings as a hatchling look very similar to other Americaunna hatchlings I've seen. I have three slammer americaunnas and they look just like she did at that size, but they are different colors (buff, black, and brown-red). She hasn't started laying yet, so I'm not sure what colors her eggs will be.

I don't know that place, but she is not an Ameraucana (note spelling-if they spelled it like you did, they don't have the breed, some misspell the word to get around not having what they advertise). What are "slammer" Ameraucanas? I don't get what you mean. The birds you posted pictures of are not Ameraucanas, they are definitely 100% Easter Eggers. Hatcheries quite simply false advertise.

Here are true Ameraucana color photos: http://www.ameraucana.org/scrapbook.html

This is a blue Ameraucana hen. The breed only has 8 accepted colors and breeders are working to get more colors, like lavender, accepted:

Black hen:

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If a hatchery ...or anyone for that matter....spells Ameraucana any way other than "Ameraucana" ,it is not a pure bird, and is either an olive egger, or most likely, an Easter Egger.

There are only 8 colors in the APA standard and there are ohly a few colors being worked on, such as Colombian, Chocolate, and Lavendars like mine.
Easter Eggers, on the other hand, can come in any color, have any comb, any colored eggs, and any colored legs. While Ameraucanas have slate/dark/black legs, pea combs, muffs, a beard, and lay green-olive green eggs.

Here are my lavendars, they arent standard yet, but they will be. They are all different birds. The first three are the original birds. Silver, Cloudy, Stormy, then one of their babies. And the bottom two are Luna and two little cockerels she produced last year with the lavendar rooster, she is an easter egger, note her non pea comb and color.





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