what type of chicken is this? she lays light brown eggs


8 Years
Sep 28, 2013
What type of Chicken is my Avatar picture? Penelope lays light brown eggs.... I think she is Americana but the egg color is different....I have only had chickens since may
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Penelope is a very pretty girl that is usually called an Easter Egger, they are mixes that have Ameraucana/Araucana in their background. The hatcheries often sell them as Ameraucana/Araucana. Depending on how they are mixed, they can lay brown eggs.
Easter egger hen. Her straight (ish) comb means she more likely to lay brown or cream colored eggs.

She's an Easter Egger. Many hatcheries mistakenly label them as Ameraucanas or Araucanas, or call them "Americanas" or Araucana/Ameraucanas. Pretty girl! I have an Easter Egger that looks similar.
Thank you everyone for your answers, and yes she's pretty and just as sweet. She lays an egg every day...my only one laying out of my eight hens

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