What type of chickens do you have and how many?

I have a golden sebright hen, 2 silver sebright hens, 2 easter eggers, 3 full sized Rhode Island Reds, a mottled cochin, wheaten old english, Belgian D'Anvers, 3 silkies, cochin/silkie cross and an appenzellar x, all hens :)

5 - Black Sexlink
2- RIR
2- Buff Orpington
2- Cuckoo Maran
4- Easter Eggers
1- White Plymouth Rock
1- Wheaten (Bantam)
1- Old English (Bantam)

1- Americana

19 weeks old today just trying to make sure breed and sex if possible
We have 16 hens and 1 rooster. They all get along fine. They do establish a pecking order. We have
2 Cuckoo Marans
2 RIR,
1 Buff Orpington,
1 White Plymouth Rock,
5 Black Sex Links
4 EE's
1 Old English Wheaten Bantam
1 EE Rooster

I appears that the BSL's are the dominants but they all do fine together in the same coop and run. They free range most of the day but usually in bad weather we keep them in the run. They are just one big happy family.

When you first introduce new into the flock, there may be a little friction for the first few days until the pecking order gets established. But nothing to worry about. At least that has been my experience.
Right now we have:
1 EE

Come April 21st, we're getting:
4 Black Australorps
4 Barred Rocks
4 Speckled Sussex
3 Gold Sex Link

Chickens are addictive! So much fun to have and so many beautiful birds to have around. We've really enjoyed ours and are looking forward to the new ones.
3 barnevelders, 2 Plymouth rocks (the bosses), 2 Rhode Island reds, 2 australorp X, 2 silver pencilled wyandottes 1 Araucana, 1 game hen. Now just hatched today a tiny isa brown. 13 without counting the chick!

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