What type of chicks do I have?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Dallas, TX
Hello all! I am brand new to BYC and a brand new mommy to some brand new chicks I received for my birthday! My brother raises chickens, and he gifted me with two babies last week...but, they are not from his flock. I know it takes a while to figure out gender, but can anyone tell what breed these each are? One is grayish-blue and the other yellow with feathers all the way down her legs. Hopefully they are both pullets and not Roos! I live in the city and cannot have Roos....but I'm already so attached! Any suggestions on the breed of these little cuties?

Can't guess what you have, but they are cute. You may get some guesses by posting question under What Breed or Gender is this.

Glad to have you join us.

But I would suggest if you have room, to get a third. They will be happier with 3-4 in the flock. If not, they should do fine with lots of attention and TLC.
Thank you, sunflour! I will definitely consider getting a third, and that's great to know. This is my first go-round with chickens, so any suggestions are appreciated! Still figuring out how the site works, also. Thank you for letting me know!
What age are they in the pictures? At this point they don't appear to be males. The one really is a pretty blue. The feather legged one might possibly be a cochin. There are other feathered leg breeds also.
Thank you all for the warm welcomes! They are only 10 days old in the second pictures...I took them this morning. I know I'll have to wait to find out gender, but I didn't know if anyone would be able to tell me what kind they are :)
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Your chicks are a little young to identify with an real accuracy at this point. The feathered legged one is likely a White Cochin and they other one might be an Andalusian, but I would re-post them in the What Breed or Gender is This? section in about a month (I don't think anyone even there will be able to nail them down for you at this age). Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your chicks.

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